every 1st December is a World Aids Day. Each year, a theme is chosen to unite the global effort to face the challenges of the AIDS pandemic.And for 2010, the theme that had been selected by the World AIDS Campaign's Global Steering Committee for 2010 is: Universal Access and Human Rights.
This worldwide effort is designed to: encourage public support and programming to prevent the spread of HIV infection; provide awareness and education about HIV/AIDS; and demonstrate compassion for those infected or affected by HIV.
AIDS Facts
Worldwide estimates in 2008 (UNAIDS):
Over 60 million have been infected since 1981:
- 33.4 million living with HIV/AIDS
- Over 25 million have died
2 million deaths in 2008
430,000 children infected in 2008
In Sub-Saharan Africa: about 5,200 are infected and 4,100 will die each day. 22.4 million are living with HIV in this region.
As a future medical doctors, may we have the strength and boost our efforts in drawing attention to AIDS, it’s prevention, treatment, and how it impacts all of our daily lives and how it impacts globally. Thus all of these means a crystal clear and solid education to our society about Aids and HIV. (semangat!)