mental health overview

Before this, I had told you guys about what actually happened to the mental status of a community after disaster and interventions that can be taken, both via social and psychological/psychiatrist aspects. That are what we learn in this block. But what is actually mental health means, and what are the types? Do you still remember what we had learnt before?

Mental Health is

"a state of emotional and psychological well-being in which an individual is able to use his or her cognitive and emotional capabilities, function in society, and meet the ordinary demands of everyday life."

It is estimated that 1 in 5 people will have a mental health disorder in their lifetime. (WHO)


Is is identified by symptoms, that include anxiety, depression, intense fear, thought disturbances, paranoia, delusions (false beliefs), hallucinations and unusual elation.


  1. MINOR MENTAL ILLNESS (NEUROSIS) - exaggerated emotional responses that the sufferer is aware of, yet unable to control. Very often related to stress.


    1. Organic Psychoses – In the organic psychoses, there is a demonstrable physical or structural injury to the brain or central nervous system such as head injury, brain tumor, syphilis and brain hemorrhage due to strokes and alcoholism.
    2. Functional Psychoses – in the functional psychoses, doctors do not know yet the exact cause. The cause may be in the patient’s early emotional experiences, his physical make-up or his environment. Most likely, it is a combination of all these factors that is responsible.

Here are some tips that I read from Medline Plus on how to stay mentally healthy:
- get support from family and friends during a tough time (social supports are really helpful especially in difficult situations as sometimes we need an ear to listen and someone to give us advices or even a shoulder to cry on)
- find time to take care of yourself and relax (leave your timeless work for a while and have some time with yourself, pray to Allah for a good life in dunya wa akhirah, and take a very good care of yourself in three important aspects: mind, body and soul)
- have a healthy lifestyle, with regular exercise ( cycle, dance, jog, walk, do the things that you love most and have some fun! )

"MMHA (Malaysia Mental Health Association) wants you to know that there is no shame in having mental illness. It is common, if we do not pretend. It effects all age groups, all strata of society irrespective of social status and educational background."
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